Published by User #100200
520 m2 of scaffolding from the Polish manufacturer DELTA.
Good morning, I represent the Polish scaffolding manufacturer DELTA. Since 1999, we have been one of the leading scaffolding and formwork manufacturers in Poland. We manufacture five scaffolding systems. We operate 2 production facilities...
11.304,80 €
10/03/2025 | User #100200 | Poland | 26560 views 0 saved
760m2 of scaffolding from a Polish manufacturer (layher type)
Good day, i am a representative of the Polish scaffolding manufacturer DELTA. Since 1999, we are one of the leading scaffolding and formwork manufacturers in Poland. We manufacture five scaffolding systems. We operate 2 production facilit...
21.445,00 €
User #100200 | Poland | 76796 views 4 saved
New scaffolding from Polish manufacturer
We have been producing scaffolding in Poland for 20 years in 4 systems: leyher plettac, rux and bosta. We have many customers in Italy and other European countries Feel free to contact me, I can estimate individual elements for scaffolding...
43,00 €
User #100200 | Poland | 62375 views 3 saved
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