Other (miscellaneous) Portugal () for sale and rent, used and new
IQ8 ESSER thermovelocimetric detector (802271)
ESSER IQ8 thermovelocimetric detector Equipped with individual microprocessor Operation in distributed intelligence systems Self-test function Memory for alarms and operating data Alarm indication Software addressing and i...
495,00 €
| Carlos Costa (#103526) | Portugal / Distrito de Lisboa / Lisbon | 47519 views 0 saved
ESSER IQ8Quad optical smoke detector
Optical smoke detector. Ensures safe fire detection. Intelligent fire detector with decentralized intelligence, automatic function self-test, CPU fault mode, alarm and operation data memory, alarm indicator, soft addressing and operation in...
630,00 €
| Carlos Costa (#103526) | Portugal / Distrito de Lisboa / Lisbon | 49065 views 0 saved
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