For sale 450 square meters of used FRACASSO scaffolding (complete) and ALFA crane


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Hello everyone, I am selling scaffolding of 450 sqm.
Including accessories, ladders, hatches, footings, railings, plus 50 extra poles to the scaffold and its feet and clamps, platforms brand FRACASSO.
Everything is sold in galvanized baskets.
Of the scaffold I also have the booklet.
The price also includes the ALFA brand crane, including remote control and booklet.
Forks and tumbler are also available for those who wish.
If interested, the whole is available for viewing.

13500,00 €

Paltrinieri (#100939) | 4561 views

I offer

Italy / Emilia-Romagna

Total lot price: 13500,00 € Unit price: 30,00 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 450 sqm 0 saved CraneALTRO



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