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The main elements of the safety scaffolding system are panel frame, adjustment shaft, horizontal and diagonal connection, walking platform, in-scaffold ladder, heel rail, guardrail and wall connection element. The general principle of the system is to have horizontal connection at 50cm. and 100cm. on each floor, to have a double-row walking platform on each floor and to provide passage between floors with ladder platforms.

Bottom adjustment shafts are used to level the floor. Scaffolding is fixed to the building with fasteners (abutment apparatus). The system is designed by Demirel Yapı Scaffolding and Formwork Systems according to your project and installation and dismantling is carried out in accordance with your projects. Scaffolding panels are 48X3mm as standard. horizontal connections are 34X2.5mm. and diagonal connections are 38X2.5mm. are produced from standard pipes that have been subjected to mechanical tests. Automatic gas metal arc welding machines are used in our productions.

In our safety scaffolding system, there are two rear railings at knee and waist level. In order to prevent tools and materials from falling from the scaffolding floors, there is a 15cm. high heel on the outside of the platform. A steel platform ladder is used to ensure safe ascent and descent on the scaffolding.

15000,00 €

DEMİREL SCAFFOLDING (#104148) | 30928 views

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Turkey / İstanbul / Maltepe

Total lot price: 15000,00 € Unit price: 15,00 € / 1 Quantity: 1000 2 saved Scaffolding


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Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 330457 views 3 saved

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