Sales of waterproofing, insulation, decorative, architectural elements, resins, drainage and SPC flooring, construction and painting equipment, tarpaulins, tapes, additives and thinners
Luxury Decorative offers sales of waterproofing, thermo - insulating, decorative, architectural elements, enamels, wood and iron paints, resins, draining and SPC floors, construction and painting equipment (brushes, rollers, paintbrush, decorative spalter, fractons, abrasive sponges, telescopic rods, tapes, coversheets, anti -mold and sanitizing sanitizers, spray cans, scaffolding, wallpaper), coversheets, tapes, additives and thinners. For information contact following mail and phone. On-site visit required. Pieces and prices to be agreed upon. It is possible to request through contacts estimates of materials.1,00 €
26/09/2024 - 09:14 | User #104023 | 41120 views
I offer
Italy / Emilia-Romagna / Provincia di Parma / Parma
Total lot price: 1,00 € Unit price: 1,00 € / 1 pcs Quantity: 1 pcs 0 saved Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools
Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools
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