Construction materials and miscellaneous equipment


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Used construction material and equipment for sale. Material stopped for a long time due to health problems.

2.500,00 €

Giuseppe (#103706) | 21191 views

I offer

Italy / Abruzzo

Total lot price: 2.500,00 € Unit price: 5,00 € / 1 pcs Quantity: 500 pcs 0 saved PropsALTROAcciaio




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XX,00 € / Tot XX,00 € / pcs XXX pcs XX

Used construction materials and various equipment for sale

I sell construction material and various construction equipment. I have various construction material and equipment stopped for a long time. I suffered a serious traffic accident and became 100 percent disabled.

10,00 €

Giuseppe (#103706) | Italy / Abruzzo | 1922 views 0 saved