I sell used scaffolding CONDOR CARPEDIL


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€23 per square meter scaffolding USED CONDOR CARPEDIL - 1200 sq. m.
I am selling CONDOR scaffolding complete with frames, beams, diagonals, platforms, hatches, ladders, gates, bases and frame holders.
All complete: 1200 meters. The scaffold is located in Rome, complete with ministerial booklet.

27.600,00 €

User #103539 | 53668 views

I offer

Italy / Lazio / Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale / Roma / Municipio Roma IV / Pietralata

Total lot price: 27.600,00 € Unit price: 23,00 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 1200 sqm Used 1 saved ScaffoldingCondor



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Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 375926 views 3 saved

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