Formwork prop repair tool - PropFIX


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PropFIX tool is specialized tool designed to repair the formwork prop of various sizes, diameters, types.
It removes the damages which do not let the inner tube to move.
It is mechanical, portable tool.
We produce and sell this tool since 2009 worldwide. We work with most of the biggest formwork manufacturer and rental service companies.
Our clients are from the very beginners of starting the business with the first props to the biggest yards.
The tool does not require any specific qualifications, any special room, weather conditions and no energy resources.
Investment pays back in a few days.
Visit the website or youtube channel to see how the tool works in reality and let's talk if you wish to repair the props fast and easy.

4350,00 €

PropFIX tools - Andra (#103508) | 100040 views

I offer


Total lot price: 4350,00 € Unit price: 4350,00 € / 1 pcs Quantity: 1 pcs 2 saved Props


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PERI PEP 20-350 and 400 props  Top

PERI steel props of 20 kN. Size 350 and 400 cm. In container.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 381114 views 0 saved

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