SLV-M Multidirectional SLV-M Scaffolding Certified 1500m2 TYPE - O

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SLV-M Multidirectional SLV-M Scaffolding Certified 1500m2 TYPE - O

Hello good morning my name is Marcos and I represent SLV-GROUP, in our offers you can find three variants of scaffolding. In this publication I am going to present you the SLV-M or also known as SLV-MODULAR. TYPE O

- The scaffolding is fully approved and certified.
- The offer is complete with all kinds of accessories.
- It is possible to ask for prices for different square meters or any type of element.
- The offer does not include the VAT!
- The offer does not include the discount.

m2: 1503,38m2
length: 181,13m
working height: 8.30m
height of the last platform: 6.30m

1. Frame (as handrail post) 1,00 m - 62 pcs
2. Support 2,00 m - 360 uni
3. Starting element 0.23 m - 120 pcs
4. Horizontal steel transom 0,73 m - 252 pcs
5. Horizontal steel stern mirror 3,07 m - 826 pcs
6. Wooden kerb 0,73 m multisystem - 6 pcs
7. Wooden kerb 3,07m multisystem - 177 pcs
8. Vertical brace 3,07 x 2,00 m - 57 uni
9. O-steel deck 3,07 x 0,32 m 324 uni
10. O-transition platform in aluminum and plywood with ladder - 15 uni
11. Anchorage connector 0.4 m uni - 106 uni
12. Fixed connector OG UNI - 106 uni
13. Screw base L-600 mm OO UNI - 120 uni
14. Eyebolt 0,23 m UNI - 106 uni
15. Expansion plug UNI - 106 uni

61.939,33 €


I offer


Total lot price: 61.939,33 € Unit price: 41,21 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 1503 sqm New 0 saved ScaffoldingALTRO



Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

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