New scaffold


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Partisan scaffold new, never used, complete with all accessories and European certifications (no ministerial certificate required in Italy).
The scaffold is located in Luxembourg.
Availability 3000 sqm.
Price euro 35.00 / sqm.
Total 105000 euros
For all info about it (booklet...) write to us.

105.000,00 €

Eros (#100910) | 67280 views

I offer

Luxembourg / Luxembourg

Total lot price: 105.000,00 € Unit price: 35,00 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 3000 sqm New 2 saved ScaffoldingALTRO



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Painted bushing scaffold.  Top

Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.

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