MANITOU MB 30 N off-road forklift

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MANITOU MB30N off-highway forklift for sale.
Little used.
Private (upper Mantua)
Without road homologation
Late 1980s early 1990s.
2-wheel drive
Capacity 30 Qli
Lifting 7 meters TRIPLEX
Without fork sideshift
With additional hydraulic couplers
Forks length Cm 120
Working hours approx. 4,000 - not on display
Rear steering axle > with power steering
Hydraulic transmission
80% GOODYEAR pneumatic tires
3 cylinder diesel engine
Low fuel consumption
Speed 25/30KM/H
Slow and fast gears with shuttle
Does not leak oil
Ready for use
Vehicle measurements in Cm
- length 380 + forks 120
- width 200
- tRIPLEX height 340
Weight: 50/60 Qli
With lighting devices
I can send the video of MANITOU forklift in operation.


I offer


Unit price: 8,60 € / 1 1 saved Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools

Construction equipment, construction machinery and tools

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Sturdy, galvanized, 2 ton capacity, stackable sheet metal caisson. Measures 1000 x 800 x h 600. Ideal for storing construction materials and small metal parts.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy | 191925 views 0 saved