Scaffolding for sale (production in Turkey)
Selling complete scaffold.Turkey production.
1100 sqm (600 sqm brand new and 500 sqm used 1 time only).
Includes trestles + platforms + diagonal beams + horizontal beams + hatches.
Does not have Italian ministerial authorization.
29.700,00 €
User #100497 | 63811 views
I offer
Italy / Lombardia / Città metropolitana di Milano / Melegnano
Total lot price: 29.700,00 € Unit price: 27,00 € / 1 sqm Quantity: 1100 sqm New 4 saved ScaffoldingALTRO
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Painted bushing scaffold.
Painted bushing scaffold arranged on containers as pictured. Galvanized platforms and accessories needed for proper assembly also available upon request.
Roberto (#1003)
| Italy | 375940 views
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