New scaffolding from Polish manufacturer


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We have been producing scaffolding in Poland for 20 years in 4 systems: leyher plettac, rux and bosta. We have many customers in Italy and other European countries
Feel free to contact me, I can estimate individual elements for scaffolding or whole sets
The price given in the ad is for a new frame 200x70 for plettac system

43,00 €

User #100200 | 62158 views

I offer


Total lot price: 43,00 € Unit price: 43,00 € / 1 pcs Quantity: 1 pcs New 3 saved Scaffolding


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Certified scaffold board  Top

Galvanized platforms for right scaffolding as shown in the photograph. Strapped in packs of 50 pieces ,equipped with safety hook, measuring 50x180 cm, usable on all brands of scaffolding.

Premium User Roberto (#1003) | Italy / Lombardia / Provincia di Brescia | 424653 views 1 saved

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