Reinforcement beams


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Alpe company offers you :

Universal wooden h-20 beam, 20 cm high, for wall, column and slab formwork, for fermagetto headers along slab edges and for special applications
Available in various lengths, from 3.90 to 5.90 m, in dimensional increments of 20 cm; lengths 5.90 on request
Weight: 5.90 kg/ml

We sell, buy and rent every piece of construction equipment!!! AlpeCompany at YOUR service!
#yellowpanels #beams #timber #posts #bridge #rental

Soccer (Bergamo) - Italy

45000,00 €

User #100116 | 217221 views

I offer


Total lot price: 45000,00 € Unit price: 9,00 € / 1 lnm Quantity: 5000 lnm 0 saved H20 beams and panels

H20 beams and panels

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